Monday, August 22, 2011

Bride vs. Bridesmaids...The New Smackdown

I normally don’t agree on this subject with my older friends BUT today, I have to agree! I feel almost defeated for my entire generation! I’m sad to say that bridesmaids these days have NO IDEA compared to bridesmaids way back when! I was watching “Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids” my level of disgust rose with each commercial break. This friend, and I do use the term loosely, said to the cameras and therefore the entire world, “I will only be a bridesmaid if I look good in the dress”. The poor bride only had 2 bridesmaids, her included! So the bride literally catered to this one bridesmaid the entire consultation. She made the bride cry with her antics and attitude…after every dress she would say things like “I guess I won’t be in the wedding then”…Umm Girl STOP! Sadly, bridesmaids are beginning to run the show and that’s not how it was intended to be!!!
2 years ago, I went to a bridal shower and I was so upset for the bride. It was in a restaurant, the decorations arrived after everyone had already taken their seat, and I caught the bride serving her own cake! It was beautiful for the simple fact that the bride’s family and friends were so affectionate and so happy and that showed through all the chaos… but let’s be honest the matron of honor should have done loads better! When you accept the bridesmaid position please know it will be expensive! Understand you are expected to show up to everything extremely chipper and ready to WORK! Call the bride and ask if there are things you can help with and then make yourself available. I don’t believe in neither the bride nor bridesmaids being side swiped by some huge bill or even huger commitment…but information is KEY! You all know I believe in emails...send one! Have a meeting, discuss the REAL! Give some quotes, pick out dresses and shoes and let bridesmaids know if you are a stickler for French tips and no tattoos showing! Once the bride properly disseminates the information…bridesmaids need to respect it and execute without a hitch! I don’t blame my cousin one bit, (she made one GORGEOUS bride) she had all men-ALL groomsmen on both sides of the church! Let’s be honest, all they needed was a haircut and a rented tux!!! Far less trouble, headaches and the like! LOL

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