Thursday, August 18, 2011

In ThE sTate of nC...I sTand CorrECTed

Greetings squirrels,

Of course THIS morning I'm trying to update my wedding budget because if you don't do this regularly, things will get completely out of hand quickly! Interestingly enough, under my Miscellaneous column (6.5% of the budget) line items Marriage License and Taxes appear. So I decided to do some research just so I could fill in the prices of these line items....marriage licenses are only $60. Umm why? That's a problem!! Maybe if they costed a tad bit more, people would take them more seriously. Think about it... if marriage licenses were $2000+, couples would really THINK before obtaining one. No fly by night weddings, "I think I love you". This is my first platform-this is my plan to end the high divorce rate...Vote for ME! lol

Blood tests and physical exams are not required to get married...WHY NOT? Right now, partners feel a sense of guilt asking for these tests and exams. As they ready themselves for marriage there should be 100% trust! I agree trust is important, but if tests and exams were mandatory...oh what a wonderful world it would be! Imagine no surprises, you'd go into the marriage with a clean slate! Unfortunately, many children grow up without one parent or both...coupled with 6 degrees of separation, we're all pretty much related! What better way to be sure your husband is not your 4th cousin than a blood test? In the state of NC cousin marriages are allowed!!! First cousins may marry, but double first cousins may not marry. Double first cousins occur when the couple is related through both parents. For instance, Ian marries Zoe and Ian's sister marries Zoe's brother. Their children are double first cousins and therefore can not be married in the state of NC. I have such a huge problem with this-it seems way off to me, I thought for sure this was illegal! But I stand corrected!!! 

Have a great day:)

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