Wednesday, October 26, 2011

hOUSeWarmiNG PartAY

How pleasant would it be if I finally got the stove and hardwood floors I want?  Magnificent right? I agree with you! Then what if I took it to a whole new level and had a 2nd Housewarming? Ooo la la! Not to discredit the work my AMAZING friends and Mother did for my first housewarming, just more so thinking aloud. I’m actually pretty impressed with myself (happens often lol), all the plans, color schemes, and furniture originally displayed on my vision board have come into fruition. I’ve stayed the course! Granted some things are happening a little slower than anticipated, but everything looks like the original vision.
A 2nd housewarming is on my mind, without a doubt, because I’ve been hired to do a housewarming. We’re looking at a holiday housewarming in the later part of November or early December. Normally this would be the WORST timing…but as you get older people stop giving you Christmas gifts anyway! A housewarming party compels these people to give you a gift when they otherwise would not! Smart huh??? You also have those people that, just as any other event, will only come to eat. That’s the price you pay when you invite them! I hope you didn’t think they would develop manners just for your event did you? Focusing on enjoying the important people in your life and sharing your new milestone…well that’s the only way to stay sane!
Having an "unpacking housewarming party" is totally out of the question because she moved a while back. Surprisingly that can be done tasteful or just tacky! You’re basically putting your visitors to work…being productive but spending time with your loved ones. Oh yeah you can’t skip on the food after you’ve asked your guests to sweat for it. It’s imperative that the type of food suites your occasion. If it’s socially upbeat…you need finger foods-small and dainty! you don’t always have much space for guests to sit, so finger foods are a nod in the right direction (My friend rented chairs). Imagine cutting steak with only the poor plate for support? Yeah! You see what I mean! I love an open house housewarming the best…it’s comfortable and less stuffy! No pressure to be entertained!  Come as you please-especially when parking is a concern-take a tour, leave a gift, eat GREAT food, fix a cocktail, Karaoke, Taboo, host-related game, network, lounge, socialize, and grab a favor! A great housewarming has some order to it and of course nice décor…but it’s free flowing and FUN!!! I look forward to the task…after all, the venue is finalized because it’s the home lol

~Buh Bye

Monday, October 24, 2011

tHe viSiON oF a ViSionARy....

The flower vendor is absolutely awesome! Gregg gets a shooting star! He was almost magical, no honestly! Most flower vendors begin with your ideas and then move into their portfolio albums. Umm he totally shut me down when I asked for albums…he said all that stuff is on facebook or the website! Haha he made me feel really trivial for a second! Gregg is truly a VISIONARY! He “freestyled” some arrangements with fresh flowers from the shop…he made 3 height centerpieces and kissing balls! The bride has chosen to use branches and hunnie let me tell you…he used those branches! He even pulled 4 roses off their stem to help gauge how thick the bride would want her runway! His assistant said she loves to watch him, you can see the wheels turning as he thinks and that he reminded her of the famous chef Emeril! What a compliment! I felt really comfortable with him…I could tell he wasn’t trying to simply sell us things that mimicked our idea and pictures for over the rainbow prices. For example we’d settled on using more greenery in the flowers to cut cost….apparently really nice greenery cost more than flowers so just use flowers. I also played around with changing the flowers in arrangements to take the price down but he asked me, “like taking a hydrangea and replacing it with carnation? Not really because you’d need 10 carnations to cover 1 hydrangea and therefore it’s the same price” hmm, words of wisdom! lol He offered many inexpensive ideas and had some pretty cool rentals...mainly candelabras, vases, urns. Got the news last week *sad face*, umm unfortunately the church doesn’t have anything available as for decorations! So I’ll be renting a few things and it would so help if it came as a packaged deal with the flowers!
Currently, I’m waiting on the flower proposal!  I’d love to work with him in the future regardless if it’s for this wedding or the next! He made a lasting impression and everyone that walked into the shop had such nice things to say! He’s super close to my home…but also close to the church and quite familiar with the reception site. When the appointment was ending….He winked and said, I don’t have a wedding March 3rd and I’d love to have one!  Cute Mister! We’ll surely see….
To make a good day great….my 40 linen swatches came in when I returned home from the vendor!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Swatches, More Swatches, & More Swatches, & EVEN MORE SWATCHES


My swatch order was shipped yesterday! *JUMPS UP AND DOWN REPEATEDLY* Wheew it'll be such a relief when it gets here. I've been working on linens for 3 straight weeks now and I'm ready to get some concrete choices under my belt. I've come up with the vision for the cocktail hour versus the reception hall...yeah total difference! It's one of those things that either people will truly get or ask "well wonder why they did this?" lol I actually mentioned the idea matter-a-factly to the bride and quickly moved past it as it was an after thought...but she said, "ooo I like that, let's do it!" So we revamped the initial vision to the new one!

The Process really wasn't as confusing as I'm probably making it seem! Well with the purchase of the junior bridesmaid's dresses, bride's shoes, and bridesmaid dresses...we had variations of the original colors! We couldn't narrow it down by using a website...sadly! So I ordered swatches...more swatches...and more swatches..AND EVEN MORE SWATCHES! But in our defense, once we make those decisions we can order a sample set for $12.95 + tax! lol To say the least, my regional representative and I are best buds now! She always replies as if I'm asking for stuff that not many people ask for *blushes*...yet she always has the option, so it's apparent my requests are truly valuable and maybe other planners aren't as thorough as I am! Their client's me! (Shameless Plug) I guess some people can order online and have it show up ready for their wedding...I CAN NOT! I at least need a sample set to be sure...I like to match as much as I can. A wedding with 99 colors throughout looks awful!

I hope the florist can incorporate the TRUE colors of the's both hard to find and expensive to get exact matches....but I'd sure like them to try! lol

I ordered all of these Purple and Greens....the funny part is they are actually ALL around the same color...OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS!

Confetti - Honeydew
Confetti - Pomegranate
Crinkle Taffeta - Apple
Crinkle Taffeta - Aubergine
Crinkle Taffeta - Raspberry Ice
Lamour - Lavender
Bengaline - Apple
Crinkle Taffeta - Pistachio
Crushed Romance - Golden Rose
Crushed Romance - Lime
Crushed Romance - Wild Orchid
Liquid Lame - Liquid Fuchsia
Organza - Apple
Organza - Deep Purple
Organza - Eggplant
Organza - Violet
Pintuck - Eggplant
Satin - Apple
Satin - Citron
Satin - Eggplant
Satin - Grape
Satin - Purple
Satin - Victorian Lilac
Satin - Sage
Sheer - Violet Sheer Satin Stripe
Sheer - Victorian Lilac Satin Edge
Solids - Apple
Solids - Lime Green
Solids - Neon Green
Solids - Plum
Solids - Purple
Stripes - Black and White
Tissue Lame - Lilac
Tissue Lame - Purple
Solids - Black
Solids - White
Solids - Lilac
Pintuck - Celedon

Ridiculous...I know lol

Monday, October 17, 2011

blah blah blah....

I'm in shock! It seems like everything personally planned in my life is down right failing me! I had a greensboro trip on Saturday, planned for almost 2 weeks, and there was a HUGE communication mix up that left me in a car for 2 hours! Yeah it's not funny yet! Then I had State fair plans on Sunday and guess what...yeah you guessed it, they decided it would be better to go next Sunday ( I won't even be in town)! As if all of that wasn't a hand full...I texted my friend  about Thursday's fair date and she made a hair appointment at the same time we were venturing to the fair! *side eye* WHY people? In the spirit of friendship, we all know how hard it is to make and keep a hair appointment so I didn't press the issue! I write things on my calendar, I take people at their word and it just didn't work out this weekend! One positive about this past weekend...a dear friend got engaged!!! I'm super happy for them! #teamking

I have a brand new attitude about this weekend...I'm looking forward to it! I really have my fingers crossed that it happens as there haven't been a whole lot of update emails. Me in North Myrtle Beach with 4 other girls! YAY! I hope the weather isn't terribly cold! I didn't do any of the planning on this trip...I started helping with the hotel because I have a great discount usually BUT sleeping 5 people offered little to nothing. That 3rd extra bed kept me so far away from the usual price I often pay! I had broken it down to 2 rooms at a deal...but then realized we might as well go with the 1st option that had no discount but allowed us all to stay in one room! So there you go....

As for things I'm working on....Pictures were due Friday from the photographer. Previously, they were sent back to her because we received them a tad bit unfinished!  The engagement party was on August 27, so I'm looking for the pictures as soon as possible to say the least. Wedding dress pickup post alterations is this Wednesday *AWWWWEEEEE* and shoes and necklace have been purchased! I'm ready to schedule the bridal portraits but I need the engagement pictures first! We only have a select few Saturdays left this year so I'd really like to get that on the road. I have bids for the bride's hair and the make up artist is booked! Currently waiting on my swatches for progress is pretty good!!! Made another florist appointment at a different florist for Friday!!! Currently trying to forget last thursday happened...but I do watch the video (see the previous post) and chuckle sometimes :)


Friday, October 14, 2011

Once upon a time at the Florist...A Comedic Movie


You won't believe what happened to me on yesterday! So I've moved on to action item...FLOWERS! Excitement right? Yes it really is! Flowers are so beautiful and smell so nice...real flowers scream WEDDING! So armed with ideas, pictures, colors, and the budget I'm ready to begin another long round of consultations. It's a long process, sure....but it's fun! I made an appointment with a florist that was highly recommended by the knot. Pretty respectable wedding site, right? The bride, searching for inspiration found a shop right here in naturally I want to start where's she's comfortable before I visit  my list of vendors! Once on their site I was equally impressed with them. The florist however...well I wasn't impressed with him at all via email and phone. Let's just say he didn't give me the "warm and fuzzy". When you're spending money for real flowers, I expect to get the "warm and fuzzy" lol. Well...I could go on and on about this upsetting experience but I won't....I captured the video! It's okay to laugh at our's a comedy:)


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

gOOdnight mOOn ;-)

Baby showers should have some sort of theme because when it does…it looks expertly planned! When they don’t, it can look like a hot mess thrown together at the last minute! You’re smiling because you know it’s true! Basically lol NO ONE will be impressed! Granted everybody doesn’t feel the need to go overboard with the theme…but at least have a color scheme and center it on the Mommy-to-be at the very least. Ask all her favorites…cravings, colors, children’s books (ie Goodnight Moon), desserts, holidays, animals etc. and show them throughout the day! The Mommy-to-be has to feel special, if she doesn’t rest assured the baby shower was in vain! You can showcase the theme through invitations, games, and the decorations. Be sure to tailor it to the Mommy-to-be’s style however…if she doesn’t have a blaring personality don’t decorate her shower in lime greens and bright oranges and have a stripping Mariachi band! Chances are that won’t be her type of party right? Most showers require no men or at least all the men present to have on pants…if her style is more the polar opposite…do some neutrals with some fun “not so embarrassing” games! Games are the make it or break it for some people….some don’t mind being embarrassed and joining the guests in just laughing their little hearts out-the rest might protest if people laugh at them a little too hard and grow sadder as the day moves on! The number one goal is to keep the Mommy-to-be happy happy happy happy so tailor the baby shower to her puhlease people!
Remember that Baby shower I blogged about a while ago??? Yeah…I got it! YAY!!!! Questionnaire has been submitted and we’re meeting to sign the contract and talk preliminaries…hopefully this week. I have exactly 15 weeks until the big day! That is excellent timing! The date of a baby shower should be 4-8 weeks before the due date and invitations should be sent out 5-6 weeks before the decided date. I’m curious to find out the venue because she contacted me with a venue booked…which really really speeds up the process! Will the menu be full or appetizers? Catered or from the family? Will this venue allow all decorations or will there be some prohibitions. Is the couple a scrapbook type of couple or would they rather not create a whole lot of stuff. So much to discuss….so exciting!
Before I get ahead of myself…at the present moment I’m only interested in the guest list, budget, date, and venue! Luckily I have an idea of the budget (that’s how I base my fee) and an exact date so I’m well on the way!

Monday, October 10, 2011

DoWnTOwn ShEnaNigAns

It has come to my attention that I have some new followers….Hey Hey Hey (in my “What’s happening?” voice)

OMG It’s birthday season….just went on yet another birthday celebration! Man, everybody has a birthday don’t they? My Godsister has poor planning skills! Lol But I still Love her! After a couple of text messages back and forth to REPRIMAND her naughtiness, I was excited for the activities I must admit! After all, many people can’t help that they can’t plan…plus she had a rather hard week so she gets a pass! The original plans were to head to dinner and a comedic show THEN entertain an old school slumber party since our group of friends hadn’t done one since the early 90’s. How fun would that have been? We’ve all grown up…some have husbands and children even! Me being the planner I am….looked up tickets and reviewed all hotel family rates! I was ready to take charge as I often am. But it so didn’t happen this way! That’s okay…another time perhaps! I did have a wonderful time downtown! Downtown is a source of excellent memories for me so I’m always ready to venture out once more when invited!
We did the Red room…I hadn’t been since a weeknight about a year ago!  YES…they had free Salsa lessons! It was in a crowded club so you had to be somewhat confident but it was fun! It’s funny how people like to learn to spin and all the fancy moves before they learn the basics!!! Ugh another blog for another time however! I bought my Godsissy a Fabulous Birthday Girl Sash!!! I wanted to get her a crown but she’s not as EXTRA as me  (Our mutual friend and I discussed that we'd definitley rock a crown had it been us lol)…so a sash was bold but not over the top! It was truly a girl’s night out….we did tapas and drinks….then walked up downtown to a familiar bar that reminds you of friends or Cheers but with a huge noisy downtown crowd. It’s extra “at home”. Good times! I didn’t get to do much planning at all for this event…but she’s pretty laid back so I don’t know that I ever will when it comes to her! I think she had a good time….the rest of us surely did!



Oldest Godsister and ME!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to yooouuuuu

I’ve observed as people grow older, they stop really celebrating their birthdays! Why is that? Seriously WHY? Guess I can’t quite wrap my head around it because I’m a huge birthday person!!! In fact they pick on me at work because I take off the whole month of January. I’ll let them have that joke, but honestly I only take off my birthday and that weekend…then either every Friday or Monday for the rest of the month. Don’t judge! Hey, it’s a MONTH long celebration! Capricorn’s in the house! Lol
It doesn’t take much to show someone just how much they mean to you. This past weekend it was another Bestie’s birthday! Her Grandpa updated the landscaping and her Grandma took care of the inside of the house…they cleaned out the garage and had the tables set up with nice décor! What caught your eye was a huge buffet line with all the food you can think of. Turkey legs, fried chicken, bbq chicken, Macaroni and cheese, cabbage, string beans, potato salad, broccoli and cheese casserole, chicken casserole, sweet potato casserole…I’m sure I’m forgetting something but you get the picture! The cake was absolutely beautiful and her grandmother opened the nice FEAST with kind words about the honoree and how much she always does for everyone else and how happy they were to surprise her! Her Mother helped a lot with the cooking and setting up as well…in fact she was the one that contacted me via facebook a long time prior to the event! I love birthday parties and they are super easy to help organize when family is on the same page….such as honoring the honoree with a plethora of food that could feed a multitude of people for days! There weren’t any activities but the grandparents gave free range of their huge home…so everyone was laid back and easy going while finding things to do…conversing high on everyone’s list! The weather was absolutely PERFECT! Sitting on the front porch that wraps around the house…we had plenty of room to utilize the porch swing and rocking chairs in a quiet and quaint lil neighborhood! My idea of a very nice Sunday!
~Ciao Bellas

Monday, October 3, 2011

Borrowed _______'s


I’m officially #TeamWriteYourOwnVows! I incite everyone in the world to join my team! Lol Yes you can deliver the traditional ones with fervor but how great is it if you write something from the heart? The Pastor and the couple normally pick special passages, readings, text, and vows for the wedding...but how sincere are the vows that come from the soul and therefore the essence of you. The weddings where the vows are written are the most SPECIAL and feel the most intimate. At the end where either the bride or groom get just a tad bit choked up….oh gosh does it pull on the heart strings! Definitely avoid the crazy stuff like I promise to brush your hair and fix your martinis…because that’s not what I call great material…but if you need a little help starting, borrow lines from your favorite poem, movie, or book! Maybe your first lovie dovie card would help in this instance….  

I'm super nervous and weddings make me cry, but even I plan to write my own. I want my vows to be from some hidden place that only my husband really knows! The type of vows that people at the wedding are like, “wow she really loves him, I can’t believe she said that”. I want to keep it sweet and beautiful but with a personal line or two…something completely off the wall that I really mean!! For instance, maybe I’ll say “I vow to put your needs before my own, even when that means cooking more times  than you eat out in a given week….I mean that’s a true sacrificial vow! (You know that one will come up later in the relationship lol ) I’m going directly for the jugular…sappy words with maybe a few tears! I believe when you write your own vows you feel even more accountable than the typical in sickness and in health…. Just my two cents however!