Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to yooouuuuu

I’ve observed as people grow older, they stop really celebrating their birthdays! Why is that? Seriously WHY? Guess I can’t quite wrap my head around it because I’m a huge birthday person!!! In fact they pick on me at work because I take off the whole month of January. I’ll let them have that joke, but honestly I only take off my birthday and that weekend…then either every Friday or Monday for the rest of the month. Don’t judge! Hey, it’s a MONTH long celebration! Capricorn’s in the house! Lol
It doesn’t take much to show someone just how much they mean to you. This past weekend it was another Bestie’s birthday! Her Grandpa updated the landscaping and her Grandma took care of the inside of the house…they cleaned out the garage and had the tables set up with nice décor! What caught your eye was a huge buffet line with all the food you can think of. Turkey legs, fried chicken, bbq chicken, Macaroni and cheese, cabbage, string beans, potato salad, broccoli and cheese casserole, chicken casserole, sweet potato casserole…I’m sure I’m forgetting something but you get the picture! The cake was absolutely beautiful and her grandmother opened the nice FEAST with kind words about the honoree and how much she always does for everyone else and how happy they were to surprise her! Her Mother helped a lot with the cooking and setting up as well…in fact she was the one that contacted me via facebook a long time prior to the event! I love birthday parties and they are super easy to help organize when family is on the same page….such as honoring the honoree with a plethora of food that could feed a multitude of people for days! There weren’t any activities but the grandparents gave free range of their huge home…so everyone was laid back and easy going while finding things to do…conversing high on everyone’s list! The weather was absolutely PERFECT! Sitting on the front porch that wraps around the house…we had plenty of room to utilize the porch swing and rocking chairs in a quiet and quaint lil neighborhood! My idea of a very nice Sunday!
~Ciao Bellas

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