Wednesday, October 26, 2011

hOUSeWarmiNG PartAY

How pleasant would it be if I finally got the stove and hardwood floors I want?  Magnificent right? I agree with you! Then what if I took it to a whole new level and had a 2nd Housewarming? Ooo la la! Not to discredit the work my AMAZING friends and Mother did for my first housewarming, just more so thinking aloud. I’m actually pretty impressed with myself (happens often lol), all the plans, color schemes, and furniture originally displayed on my vision board have come into fruition. I’ve stayed the course! Granted some things are happening a little slower than anticipated, but everything looks like the original vision.
A 2nd housewarming is on my mind, without a doubt, because I’ve been hired to do a housewarming. We’re looking at a holiday housewarming in the later part of November or early December. Normally this would be the WORST timing…but as you get older people stop giving you Christmas gifts anyway! A housewarming party compels these people to give you a gift when they otherwise would not! Smart huh??? You also have those people that, just as any other event, will only come to eat. That’s the price you pay when you invite them! I hope you didn’t think they would develop manners just for your event did you? Focusing on enjoying the important people in your life and sharing your new milestone…well that’s the only way to stay sane!
Having an "unpacking housewarming party" is totally out of the question because she moved a while back. Surprisingly that can be done tasteful or just tacky! You’re basically putting your visitors to work…being productive but spending time with your loved ones. Oh yeah you can’t skip on the food after you’ve asked your guests to sweat for it. It’s imperative that the type of food suites your occasion. If it’s socially upbeat…you need finger foods-small and dainty! you don’t always have much space for guests to sit, so finger foods are a nod in the right direction (My friend rented chairs). Imagine cutting steak with only the poor plate for support? Yeah! You see what I mean! I love an open house housewarming the best…it’s comfortable and less stuffy! No pressure to be entertained!  Come as you please-especially when parking is a concern-take a tour, leave a gift, eat GREAT food, fix a cocktail, Karaoke, Taboo, host-related game, network, lounge, socialize, and grab a favor! A great housewarming has some order to it and of course nice décor…but it’s free flowing and FUN!!! I look forward to the task…after all, the venue is finalized because it’s the home lol

~Buh Bye

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