Monday, October 10, 2011

DoWnTOwn ShEnaNigAns

It has come to my attention that I have some new followers….Hey Hey Hey (in my “What’s happening?” voice)

OMG It’s birthday season….just went on yet another birthday celebration! Man, everybody has a birthday don’t they? My Godsister has poor planning skills! Lol But I still Love her! After a couple of text messages back and forth to REPRIMAND her naughtiness, I was excited for the activities I must admit! After all, many people can’t help that they can’t plan…plus she had a rather hard week so she gets a pass! The original plans were to head to dinner and a comedic show THEN entertain an old school slumber party since our group of friends hadn’t done one since the early 90’s. How fun would that have been? We’ve all grown up…some have husbands and children even! Me being the planner I am….looked up tickets and reviewed all hotel family rates! I was ready to take charge as I often am. But it so didn’t happen this way! That’s okay…another time perhaps! I did have a wonderful time downtown! Downtown is a source of excellent memories for me so I’m always ready to venture out once more when invited!
We did the Red room…I hadn’t been since a weeknight about a year ago!  YES…they had free Salsa lessons! It was in a crowded club so you had to be somewhat confident but it was fun! It’s funny how people like to learn to spin and all the fancy moves before they learn the basics!!! Ugh another blog for another time however! I bought my Godsissy a Fabulous Birthday Girl Sash!!! I wanted to get her a crown but she’s not as EXTRA as me  (Our mutual friend and I discussed that we'd definitley rock a crown had it been us lol)…so a sash was bold but not over the top! It was truly a girl’s night out….we did tapas and drinks….then walked up downtown to a familiar bar that reminds you of friends or Cheers but with a huge noisy downtown crowd. It’s extra “at home”. Good times! I didn’t get to do much planning at all for this event…but she’s pretty laid back so I don’t know that I ever will when it comes to her! I think she had a good time….the rest of us surely did!



Oldest Godsister and ME!!!!

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